Catch 3 Grass, Water or Fire-type Pokémon | 10 x Poké Ball |
Send a Gift to a Friend | Dunsparce |
Catch a Flying-type Pokémon | 500 Stardust |
Beloningen na deze opdracht:
- 1 x Silver Pinap Berry
- Xatu
- 2 x Golden Razz Berry
Play with your buddy | Spinarak |
Give your buddy 3 treats | 5 x Razz Berry |
Catch a Bug-type Pokémon | 500 Stardust |
Beloningen na deze opdracht:
- 1 x Golden Razz Berry
- Pineco
- 2 x Silver Pinap Berry
Make 3 Great Throws | 1 x Charged TM |
Hatch an Egg | Snubbull |
Catch a Normal-type Pokémon | 500 Stardust |
Beloningen na deze opdracht:
- 1 x Silver Pinap Berry
- Miltank
- 2 x Golden Razz Berry
Evolve a Pokémon | Sudowoodo |
Catch 5 different species of Pokémon | 10 x Great Ball |
Catch a Ghost-type Pokémon | 500 Stardust |
Beloningen na deze opdracht:
- 1 x Golden Razz Berry
- Misdreavus
- 2 x Silver Pinap Berry
Take 3 snapshots with your buddy | Shuckle |
Make 4 Nice Curveball Throws | Mantine |
Catch a Fighting-type Pokémon | 500 Stardust |
Beloningen na deze opdracht:
- 1 x Silver Pinap Berry
- Hitmontop
- 2 x Golden Razz Berry
Catch an Electric-type Pokémon | 1 x Incense |
Power up Pokémon 3 times | Mareep |
Catch a Steel-type Pokémon | 500 Stardust |
Beloningen na deze opdracht:
- 1 x Golden Razz Berry
- Skarmory
- 2 x Silver Pinap Berry
Evolve a Pokémon | 1 x Kings Rock |
Catch a Water-type Pokémon | Gligar |
Catch an Ice-type Pokémon | 500 Stardust |
Beloningen na deze opdracht:
- 1 x Golden Razz Berry
- Piloswine
- 2 x Silver Pinap Berry
Take a Snapshot of Ice-type Pokémon | 1 x Dragon Scale |
Battle another Trainer | 10 x Ultra ball |
Power up Pokémon 6 times | 500 Stardust |
Beloningen na deze opdracht:
- 1 x Golden Razz Berry
- Donphan
- 2 x Silver Pinap Berry
Claim Reward | 3000 XP |
Claim Reward | 3000 XP |
Claim Reward | 3000 XP |
Beloningen na deze opdracht:
- 5 x Rare Candy
- Ho-Oh