Search for Zarude
Catch 7 different species of Pokémon | 1 × Sun Stone |
Catch 7 Pokémon | Diglett |
Take 3 snapshots of wild Ground-type Pokémon | 15 × Poké Ball |
Beloningen na deze opdracht:
- 250 Stardust
- 10 × Nanab Berry
- Drilbur
Make 5 Great Throws in a row | 5 × Pinap Berry |
Catch 10 Bug-type Pokémon | Dwebble |
Take 3 snapshots of wild Bug-type Pokémon | 10 × Great Ball |
Beloningen na deze opdracht:
- 250 Stardust
- 10 × Razz Berry
- Combee
Use 20 Berries to help catch Pokémon | Cherrim |
Catch 30 Grass- or Bug-type Pokémon | Vileplume |
Take 3 snapshots of wild Grass-type Pokémon | 10 × Great Ball |
Beloningen na deze opdracht:
- 250 Stardust
- 10 × Pinap Berry
- Nuzleaf
Defeat 6 Team GO Rocket Grunts | Ariados |
Catch 15 Pokémon with Weather Boost | Butterfree |
Take 3 snapshots of wild Flying-type Pokémon | 10 × Ultra Ball |
Beloningen na deze opdracht:
- 250 Stardust
- 1 × Poffin
- Rufflet
Claim reward | 1000 XP |
Claim reward | 1000 XP |
Claim reward | 1000 XP |
Beloningen na deze opdracht:
- Zarude
- 10 × Zarude Candy
- 1000 Stardust