Opdrachten Special Research ‘Throwback Challenge 2020: Sinnoh’


Catch 3 Grass, Water or Fire-type Pokémon 10 x Poké Ball
Power up a Pokémon Burmy
ake a Snapshot of a Rock-type Pokémon 500 Stardust

Beloningen na deze opdracht:

  • 1 x Pinap Berry
  • Cranidos
  • 2 x Razz Berry


Take a snapshot of a Grass-type Pokémon 5 x Razz Berry
Send a Gift to a friend Combee
Catch a Grass-type Pokémon 500 Stardust

Beloningen na deze opdracht:

  • 1 x Razz Berry
  • Grotle
  • 2 x Pinap Berry


Make 3 Nice Throws 1 x Magnetic Lure Module
Hatch an Egg Bronzor
Catch a Fighting-type Pokémon 500 Stardust

Beloningen na deze opdracht:

  • 1 x Pinap Berry
  • Monferno
  • 2 x Razz Berry


Earn a Candy walking with your buddy 10 x Great Ball
Catch a Ground-type Pokémon Skorupi
Catch a Water-type Pokémon 500 Stardust

Beloningen na deze opdracht:

  • 1 x Razz Berry
  • Prinplup
  • 2 x Pinap Berry


Battle another Trainer 1 x Charged TM
Use 3 Berries to help catch Pokémon 1 x Sinnoh Stone
Catch a Ghost-type Pokémon 500 Stardust

Beloningen na deze opdracht:

  • 1 x Pinap Berry
  • Drifloon
  • 2 x Razz Berry


Take a Snapshot of a Steel-type Pokémon 10 x Ultra Ball
Give your buddy 3 treats Hippopotas
Catch a Steel-type Pokémon 500 Stardust

Beloningen na deze opdracht:

  • 1 x Razz Berry
  • Shieldon
  • 2 x Pinap Berry


Evolve a Pokémon Gible
Earn a Candy walking with your buddy 1 x Glacial Lure Module
Catch an Ice-type Pokémon 500 Stardust

Beloningen na deze opdracht:

  • 1 x Razz Berry
  • Abomasnow
  • 2 x Pinap Berry


Power up Pokémon 3 times 1 x Star Piece
Make 3 Great Throws 1 x Fast TM
Catch an Electric-type Pokémon 500 Stardust

Beloningen na deze opdracht:

  • 1 x Razz Berry
  • Shinx
  • 2 x Pinap Berry


Claim Reward 3000 XP
Claim Reward 3000 XP
Claim Reward 3000 XP

Beloningen na deze opdracht:

  • 10 x Rare Candy
  • Cresselia

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