Opdrachten: Investigate a Mysterious Energy

Investigate a Mysterious Energy


Catch 30 Pokémon 3 × Pinap Berry
Spin 30 PokéStops or Gyms 1000 XP
Send 10 Gifts to Friends 1000 Stardust

Beloningen na deze opdracht:

  • 30 × Great Ball
  • Ralts
  • 1000 Stardust


Catch 30 Psychic-type Pokémon Elgyem
Catch 30 Fire-type Pokémon Darumaka
Hatch 3 Eggs 1 × Egg Incubator

Beloningen na deze opdracht:

  • 1000 XP
  • Torchic
  • 30 × Great Ball


Take a snapshot of your buddy 1 × Poffin
Earn 3 Candies walking with your buddy 1000 Stardust
Power Up Pokémon 3 times 3 × Hyper Potion

Beloningen na deze opdracht:

  • 3 × Revive
  • Espeon
  • 1000 Stardust


Win 3 Gym Battles 1000 XP
Defeat 3 Team GO Rocket Grunts 1 × Lure Module
Win 3 Raids 1000 Stardust

Beloningen na deze opdracht:

  • 3 × Max Potion
  • Victini of 20 × Victini Candy als je Victini al had sinds GO Fest
  • 3 × Max Revive


Take a Snapshot of Victini 20 × Victini Candy
Catch 30 different species of Pokémon 1 × Incense
Send 3 Gifts to Friends 1000 XP

Beloningen na deze opdracht:

  • 5 x Victini Sticker
  • 3000 Stardust
  • 1 x Star Piece


[Claim Reward] 3000 XP
[Claim Reward] 3000 Stardust
[Claim Reward] 3000 XP

Beloningen na deze opdracht:

  • 1 x Lure Module
  • 20 x Victini Candy
  • 1 x Lucky Egg

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